O hai! I’m a 36-year-old web standards enthusiast from Dendermonde, Belgium, working under the name of Qiwi.
I enjoy coding websites using the following ingredients:
- JavaScript
- QMS, the greatest content management system in the world
- Web Guidelines of the Belgian Government
- Web Guidelines Quality Model of the Dutch Government
- AnySurfer Accessibility Guidelines
You can follow me on Twitter, read my semi-blog, view my LinkedIn résumé, or hire me to do some work for you.
This site uses a lot of (hacked versions of) open-source stuff that I didn’t write myself. Here’s a list:
- jQuery, The ‘Write Less, Do More’ JavaScript Library
- Prettify, a clever JavaScript that applies syntax formatting to your code
- Showdown, a Markdown-formatter in JavaScript
- James Padolsey’s jQuery autoResize (textarea auto-resizer)
- John Resig’s jQuery Hotkeys
- Michel Fortin’s PHP port of Markdown
This site is hosted by Qontent.