Mathias Bynens

Using setTimeout to speed up window.onload

Published · tagged with HTML, JavaScript, performance

A few days ago, Martín Borthiry contacted me with a question. He had been using the optimized asynchronous Google Analytics snippet for a while, and noticed an additional speed gain when wrapping it inside a setTimeout() with a delay of 0 milliseconds. His tests made it pretty clear that this technique was indeed slightly faster, but Martín had no clue why.

The answer to his question is simple: JavaScript code inside setTimeout() doesn’t necessarily delay the onload event. Consider the following test case:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>setTimeout() and window.onload</title>

setTimeout(function() { = 'red';
}, 3000);

window.onload = function() { = 'green';


Here’s what happens when you open this document:

  1. The browser’s HTML parser does its thing, but halts as soon as it encounters the opening <script> tag.
  2. The contents of the <script> element are executed. The setTimeout will cause some other code to run in 3 seconds, and an event handler is bound to window.onload.
  3. The HTML parser continues parsing the document until the end.
  4. Since there are no other resources on this page, the onload event fires as soon as the parser is finished.
  5. The window.onload event handler is invoked. The document gets a green background.
  6. About 3 seconds later, the setTimeout function kicks in. The document gets a red background.

In this example, using setTimeout doesn’t delay the onload event. Note that this is not necessarily the case for other scenarios! For example, consider the following document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>setTimeout() and window.onload</title>
<img src="image.png">

setTimeout(function() { = 'red';
}, 3000);

window.onload = function() { = 'green';


As you can see, we’ve added an image to the document. (Of course, this could be any other resource that blocks onload.) The onload event won’t fire before the image is fully loaded.

This gives us a slightly different result:

  1. The browser’s HTML parser starts parsin’ away.
  2. The browser starts downloading the image as soon as the <img> element is parsed.
  3. The parser halts as soon as it encounters the opening <script> tag.
  4. The contents of the <script> element are executed. The setTimeout will cause some other code to run in 3 seconds, and an event handler is bound to window.onload.
  5. The HTML parser continues parsing the document until the end.
  6. As soon as the image is fully loaded, the onload event fires.
  7. The window.onload event handler is invoked. The document gets a green background.

As you can see, one step is missing from this list, simply because there’s no way to accurately predict where it should go. The code within the setTimeout will be executed 3 seconds after step 4, we know that much. But depending on how long it takes to download the image, this could be before or after onload.

Let’s say the image takes 1 second to load. This means the onload event will fire after about a second, too. Two seconds later, the code in the setTimeout will finally get executed.

If the image takes 5 seconds to load, the onload event will again be delayed during that time, so the code in the setTimeout will be executed before onload.

What would happen if the image takes about 3 seconds to load, i.e. the delay parameter for the setTimeout? Will onload fire before, during, or after the code in the setTimeout?

To answer that question, you need to understand that JavaScript is single threaded. If there’s some code that is running (either from an inline script or from inside the setTimeout) at the time that the browser is ready to fire onload, the browser will have to ‘wait’ until the script is finished before onload is processed. Similarly, if you use setTimeout to download resources, and they enter the download queue before onload fires, then loading these resources will (still) delay onload. (Thanks to Kyle Simpson for explaining this in detail to me!)

In other words, using setTimeout does not guarantee to speed up the onload event in all cases. But most of the time, it will.


This means we can use the setTimeout(fn, 0) pattern to prevent delaying the onload event, causing the perceived load/rendering time to decrease. Of course, this technique can only be used for scripts that aren’t dependencies.

I think tracking scripts make a good example. Most of those insert a new <script> element into the DOM dynamically. As you know, every DOM operation comes with a certain performance penalty. The default Google Analytics code, for example, will modify the DOM as soon as the snippet is encountered, therefore delaying the onload event.

Here’s a modified version of my asynchronous Google Analytics snippet, using setTimeout to prevent delaying onload:

var _gaq = [['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X'], ['_trackPageview']];
setTimeout(function() {
var g = document.createElement('script'),
s = document.scripts[0];
g.src = '';
s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
}, 0);

(Note that this is basically what Martín’s article is all about. Go check it out!)

Some caveats

As mentioned before, this technique cannot be used for scripts that are dependencies. It’s not very predictable when exactly the fn inside setTimeout(fn, 0) will be executed. If you had two or three of these constructions, there’d be no way to tell in which order they execute.

Also note that the this binding of the function inside setTimeout is automatically overridden to the global window object. This may break scripts that rely on this referring to something else at that point.

Note that the smallest setTimeout timeout value allowed by the HTML5 specification is 4 ms. Smaller values (like 0) should clamp to 4 ms. You can test which browsers follow the spec in this regard here.


I really feel like this needs further investigation. I’d love to hear what you think in the comments!

About me

Hi there! I’m Mathias. I work on Chrome at Google. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Unicode, performance, and security get me excited. Follow me on Twitter, Bluesky, and GitHub.


wrote on :

fearphage: Based on my demo, it looks like setZeroTimeout delays onload in Firefox 3.6.9, Opera 10.62, IE8, and IE9pre4 (but oddly not in IE7 or IE6!). Can you confirm this? Is there a flaw in my test case?

setTimeout(fn, 0) may be slow, but at least it prevents delaying onload.

Aaron wrote on :

You wrote “using setTimeout does not guarantee to speed up the onload event in all cases. But it might just do so”.

Do you agree that it’s actually better to say “…but it probably will do so”?

philip wrote on :

If you use setTimeout to download resources, and they enter the download queue before onload fires, then it will (still) delay onload.

wrote on :

Dan: Yeah, that’s what I was saying here:

Similarly, if you use setTimeout to download resources, and they enter the download queue before onload fires, then loading these resources will (still) delay onload.

ionut popa wrote on :

Hi Mathias, you mentioned:

This means we can use the setTimeout(fn, 0) pattern to prevent delaying the onload event, causing the perceived load/rendering time to decrease.

Why is this true? Because of the loading indicator disappearing or for some other reason?

Here it’s mentioned that making the load event fire faster won't improve the user experience much:

wrote on :

ionut popa: That is explained in the article. When running setTimeout(fn, 0), the code in fn won’t be executed “immediately” and thus it won’t necessarily delay the load event. On the other hand, if the code in fn starts executing before the load event (e.g. if you hadn’t used setTimeout), the load event will fire after the code in fn — all of it — has finished.

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